Friday, July 24, 2015

July ApplePower Meeting

Our next ApplePower meeting will be held Saturday, July 25, 2015, starting at 10 a.m. in Room 102 of Lehigh Valley Active Life, 1633 Elm Street, Allentown. 

You surely won't want to miss it if you want to be in on some truly amazing and little-known iPad, iPhone, and iPod tips. Included among them is one that I shared with a tech and his supervisor at Apple headquarters that they never knew about before and for which they thanked me over and over. It's so great that, except for the two Apple employees, you will be the only other folks to whom I will divulge  this hidden incredibly useful tip. And, to make it an even more special reward for your attendance, I won't breathe  a word of it to anyone else who does not attend the meeting. There! Is that incentive enough for you to show your face?

Of course, we'll have our usual light snacks and our raffle with free tickets for all. Call 484-547-6583 or email if you want more information.