Thursday, April 6, 2017

ApplePower Open House

ApplePower, Apple premier user group in the Lehigh Valley area, invites all Apple enthusiasts to attend an Open House on Saturday, April 22, from 10 a.m. to noon at Lehigh Valley Active Life (formerly Lehigh Valley Senior Center), 1633 W. Elm St., Allentown. It's free!

Highlight of the Open House will be a demo of how to use your Mac, iPad, or iPhone to access and experience free entertainment without getting confused or bogged down with techno-babble. This demo by host, Dr. David Webb, encompasses a huge variety of entertainment—movies, TV shows, video, and more. Watch. Listen. Learn. Enjoy.

Other activities will include a Question-and-Answer session and little-known or never published Mac, iPhone, and iPad Tips and Tricks.

Walk-ins are welcome 
any time between 10 a.m. and noon but reservations are requested. RSVP via email to or call (610) 967-2020. Come early and, if you are a registered visitor, receive a free gift, compliments of a world-famous high-tech company.